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Our Purpose


The TCU Retirees Association exists to provide opportunities for fellowship, to promote lifelong learning, to advocate for fair benefits, to recognize the accomplishments of its members, and to strengthen the relationship between retirees and the University.

Established in 1983, TCURA continues to grow and expand in our programs and services to our members. Our goal is to help our members stay connected — both to each other and to TCU. In fact, the mission of TCURA is our members!

Membership in the Association is open to faculty and staff who have officially retired from active association with Texas Christian University and Brite Divinity School. Associate membership is open to spouses and partners, surviving spouses and partners, and others nominated by members and approved by the TCURA Executive Council.

David Grebel

From Our President

David Grebel

A couple of years ago, TCU Retirees’ Association (TCURA) President Pat Miller wrote about the coming of fall and how it reminded him of the academic cycle that we all lived in for so many years. I thought after three years of retirement I would shake off that cycle and develop some new ones. And yet here we are beginning a new semester at TCU and a new year for TCURA. Regardless of the life cycle, academic or otherwise, that you’re living now, I am glad that you’ve chosen to be part of the retirees’ cycle this year. Our new TCURA Vice President, Rich Enos, has prepared a delightful series of programs for us.

We gather, not only for our programs, but for the opportunity to be with cherished colleagues again. As TCU concludes its celebration of 150 years this fall, I reflect on my 27 years with the University which represents 18 percent of TCU’s total history. Each of us are significant parts of that 150 years of service together, with many of us serving a much larger percentage of TCU’s history than I have. Our relationships with the thousands of students over that time have certainly changed our lives and hopefully had an impact on theirs. But our relationships with each other, as colleagues and friends, have had an even greater influence on us. That’s the whole reason for TCURA – to continue and expand those friendships.

Our Commitment

At Texas Christian University, we are committed to accessibility, diversity and inclusion. We believe all of our students, prospective students, parents, faculty and staff should be able to have equal and effective access to our core websites, smartphone apps, chat and digital content. In doing so, Texas Christian University has a goal to comply with applicable accessibility regulations including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.