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Constitution and Bylaws

Adopted October 5, 2021

I. Name

This organization shall be known as the TCU Retirees Association (TCURA).

II. Mission Statement

TCURA exists to provide opportunities for fellowship, to promote lifelong learning, to advocate for fair benefits, to recognize the accomplishments of its members, and to strengthen the relationship between retirees and the University.

III. Membership
  • Membership in TCURA shall be open to faculty and staff who have officially retired from active association with Texas Christian University and Brite Divinity School.
  • B. Associate membership shall be open to spouses and partners, surviving spouses and partners, and others nominated by members and approved by the TCURA Executive Council.


IV. Officers and Representatives
Section 1: Officers and Representatives-at-Large
  • Officers of the TCURA shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President.
  • There shall be eight members elected at large from the membership of TCURA to serve on the Executive Council (EC). Each at large member shall lead one committee of the Association.

The President shall schedule and chair all meetings of the TCURA EC. He/she shall appoint the members of ad hoc committees with the approval of the EC. He/she shall also serve as the spokesperson of the TCURA with the advice and consent of the EC or of the membership as expressed at a regular meeting.

The Vice President shall carry out the duties of the President in the event of her/his absence or incapacity and shall serve as chair of the Programs and Activities Committee.

The Secretary shall keep minutes of the regular meetings of the TCURA Executive Council and the Advisory Council and provide them to EC members at each EC meeting.

The Treasurer shall keep records of income and expenditures and provide a financial report to the Executive Council at each meeting. The Treasurer makes authorized disbursements, arranges for collecting charges for programs and activities, and receives member contributions.

The Immediate Past President chairs the Nominating Committee and serves as the university appointed representative of TCURA to the University Compensation and Advisory Committee (UCAC) unless another member is selected by the President.

Section 2: Committees

A. The Executive Council (EC) shall consist of the officers of the TCURA as set forth in Section 1 above; the chairs of Membership, Communication, and Educational Programming; the Listmaster; and the Newsletter editor. The Retiree Program Manager shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Council. The president, through the EC shall conduct the business of TCURA.

B. The Vice President is the Program and Activities Chair and is responsible for developing and organizing programs and activities of the Association.

C. The Membership Chair shall be responsible for inviting current retirees to participate actively in TCURA programming, and contacting newly retired members of the faculty and staff to encourage their involvement.

D. The Communications Chair creates email and/or print promotions for special activities and events  maintains the TCURA website designed to provide information on its programs and activities. The chair is also responsible for collecting the electronic newsletter to be forwarded to the TCU library archives.

E. The Newsletter Editor composes, edits and distributes a monthly electronic newsletter to the membership from September through May.

F. The Listmaster shall keep records of membership; maintain rosters (including email reminders and newsletter lists); monitor the website and email site and forward or respond to member comments or questions; obtain retiree lists from HR and forward names to the Membership chair; and conduct occasional membership surveys

G. The Nominating Committee is chaired by the Immediate Past President and consists of not less than three or more than five members.

 H. Ad Hoc Committees may be created by the President with the approval of the EC for the purpose of dealing with special situations that fall outside the bailiwick of standing committees.

V. Operating Year

The operating year of the Association is June 1 through May 31 of the following year.

VI. Election of Officers and Representatives-at-Large

A. The president shall empower the Nominating Committee in February of each year by naming no less than three members or more than five members to serve with the Immediate Past President who chairs the committee. The Nominating Committee is charged with developing a slate of officers and Representatives-at-Large to be presented first at the April meeting and again at the May meeting of the Association for the purpose of electing the slate. Nominations may be made from the floor at either the April or May general meeting of the Association.

B. Unless altered by action of the Executive Council, the Vice President succeeds the President at the end of the one-year term, and the President moves to the office of Immediate Past President.

C. All vacancies in office shall be filled by appointment of the President with the approval of the EC.

D. The term of office for officers and representatives-at-large is one year. The term of office begins June 1, and ends May 31.

VII. Meetings

A. The Executive Council shall meet monthly separate from the larger membership meeting.

B. There shall be one general meeting of the membership each month from September through May.

C. The President may call special meetings of the EC, or the general membership as circumstances require.

D. Ten members of the Association shall constitute a quorum at general meetings. Five members of the Executive Council are necessary for quorum votes.

VIII. Parliamentary Authority

TCURA officers and representatives-at-large shall follow the parliamentary rules and procedures of the Revised Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order on all points not covered by these bylaws.

IX. Amendments

Amendments to these by laws may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of members present at a meeting of the Executive Council.

X. Dissolution

If the Association should vote dissolution by a two-thirds vote at a regular meeting or special meeting, any funds belonging to the Association shall be given to Texas Christian University. Notice of the motion to propose dissolution shall be published to the membership at least one month prior to the date of the scheduled vote.




The TCU Retirees’ Association Constitution and Bylaws Adopted October 5, 2021

Amendment I approved October 5, 2021

The Educational Programming Commmittee

Mission Statement

This committee will provide pertinent information about, and possible solutions to, health and wellness and other issues that are of special concern to TCU retirees including monitoring problems created for present and future retirees by TCU abandoning its historic commitment to include retirees under their health insurance.