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TCU Retirees Association Officers 2024–2025

Came to TCU in 1995 as the Lillian Radford Chair of Rhetoric and Composition in the English department. Retired as an emeritus professor in 2019. Just for fun…ask me about when I was stranded on a Greek island in the Summer of 1974 when the military dictatorship was overthrown and democracy was restored!

Rich Enos

Emeritus Dean Phil Hartman is the Retirees Association’s Vice President. A geneticist, he joined the faculty in 1981 and along the way served as head of TCU’s Pre-Health Professions Program for 22 years and then for Dean of the College of Science & Engineering for 9 years.

Phil Hartman

Vice President

Came to TCU in 1993 as Manager of Printing Services; became Director of Extended Education in 1997; retired 2020. Just for fun… ask me about my cycling passion.

David Grebel

Past President

Born in Stockholm, Sweden. Received his Bachelor’s degree from TCU in 1975 and his master’s in 1978. Served as executive director, Tarrant Area Food Bank, from 1997 to 2020. Voted in as an associate member of TCURA in 2020. Just for fun…ask me about my career in Sweden as a fine arts appraiser and auctioneer.

Bo Soderbergh

Member of the TCU Class of 1968. Wendy started working for TCU in 1993 and retired in 2016 as Director of Student Financial Services. Just for fun…ask me about Books or TCU Sports.

Wendy Crowley

Other Council Members

From Erie Pennsylvania; Fred came to TCU in 1974 and taught interior design and lighting until retiring in 2009. Just for fun…ask me about all things lighting or cycling.

Fred Oberkircher

Educational Programming Chair

A life-long Fort Worth resident. Mary first set foot on campus in 1971, earning her degrees in 1975 and 1992. She spent 38 years in the Registrar's Office, retiring as Registrar in 2021. Just for fun... ask me about quilting, or genealogy.

Mary Kincannon

Membership Chair

Working at TCU for more than 20 years was a true blessing for Shawn Wagner. She found great joy in the opportunity to work with staff and faculty from across the TCU Campus, supporting and mentoring students while also serving others outside of the TCU Community. Shawn was honored to work in Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, the TCU Student Center, the TCU University Unions, the TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine and finally for the TCU Burnett School of Medicine.

Shawn Wagner

Communications Chair

For 2024-2045 Jeff will be serving as the TCURA Representative to UCAC and Chair of the TCURA Benefits Committee. Jeff retired from the Finance Department in the Neeley School of Business at the end of 2021.

Jeff Moore

TCURA Representative to University Compensation Advisory Committee

HR Benefits Consultant – Retirement. Texas Christian University. Just for fun…ask me about chocolate.

Robin Scruton

TCU HR Liaison


Emeritus Professor of Religion, earned his Ph.D. from Harvard University in the Study of Religion. Coming to TCU in 1981, he taught in the Department of Religion for 41 years until he retired in 2022. During those years he held positions as the Director of the Honors Program and Chair of the Department of Religion. Twice nominated for the Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Teaching, he received the Honors Faculty Recognition Award in 1995.

David Grant

Charme came to TCU in 2004 and retired in 2024. Charme worked the majority of her TCU career in University Advancement in Development.

Charme Cone

TCURA Benefits Committee

For 2024-2045 Jeff will be serving as the TCURA Representative to UCAC and Chair of the TCURA Benefits Committee. Jeff retired from the Finance Department in the Neeley School of Business at the end of 2021.

Jeff Moore

I arrived at TCU in 1983 as Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid. After 35+ I retired as Associate Provost overseeing undergraduate enrollment and academic renovation and construction. Most don’t know that I began my post undergraduate years as an agent for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.

Leo Munson

Committee Member

I had the world's best job in Student Affairs for 35 years. Just for fun, ask me about skiing in Chile or you can never miss by asking about the grandkids.

Barbara Herman

Committee Member

Native of Louisiana (and fan of LSU football). Stacy Landreth-Grau, Associate Dean in John V Roach Honors College, Neeley Fellows faculty; Associate Professor of Medical Education in the Neeley School of Business. TCU since 2006.

Stacy Landreth-Grau

Committee Member


The objective of the TCU Retirees Association is to promote the general welfare of its members and of Texas Christian University. 

Executive Council Meetings

All meetings will be held on Mondays in the Monroe Conference Room at the Kelly Alumni Center beginning at 10:00am and will dismiss by no later than 12:00 noon.

TCURA Job Descriptions

  • Oversee everything!!
  • Confirm dates for luncheons (fall and spring) and reserve room for meetings
  • Confirm date/place for summer Coffee with the Chancellor
  • Provide headshot and message for web site
  • Obtain web access for luncheon registrations
  • Provide registration information to the Kelly Center
  • Write monthly newsletter column
  • Schedule Executive Council meetings – date/time/place – send agenda/reminder weekend before
  • Meet with new officers/committee chairs
  • Coordinate with past-president on TCU Treasure selection process
  • File financial request for TCU Treasure
  • Provide Annual report
  • Meet annually with Chancellor to update and confirm budget needs (Mar/Apr)
  • November – promote TCU Gives Day (October/November newsletters)
  • Follow up on luncheon reminders
  • Summer – June and August newsletter deadlines
  • AROHE membership renewal
  • AROHE biennial conference attendance
  • Serve as chair of Program Committee
  • Monthly luncheon speaker – info (write-up and photo) to newsletter editor by deadline
  • Deadline with Catering and Kelly Center is Tuesday a week before luncheon.
  • Provide luncheon registration information to Sodexo one week prior to luncheon
  • Deadline for reservations is the Monday a week before luncheon.
  • Develop special outings with help from committee members
  • Educational programs
  • Coordinate SIGS – Book group (Judy Smith –, Mah-jongg – Jane Mackay (, Bridge – Nancy Madsen (, Arts & Antiques – Gail and Jack Davis (,
  • Ensure SIG chairs provide info to Newsletter editor for newsletters
  • Serve as contact person for those interested in starting a SIG
  • Take minutes at EC meetings
  • Distribute minutes prior to EC meetings
  • Provide luncheon lists to board members
  • Send out notices
  • Serve on the UCAC Committee as TCURA representative with focus on needs of retirees (particularly in terms of health care decisions)
  • Provide monthly reports of UCAC activity to EC
  • Chair Nominating committee
  • Be a resource for the EC
  • Help develop programming for special events
  • Manage the budget and keep records of all expenditures and income
  • Collect money at luncheons
  • Provide budget reports monthly
  • Maintain budgetary policies of the university

Committee Responsibilities

  • Manage TCURA web presence 
  • Lead an annual review of the TCURA website 
  • Oversee implementation of web changes as determined by the board
  • Liaise with webmaster and ensure information of the website is up to date
  • Provide support for the editor of the newsletter as requested 
  • Manage annual updates to the TCURA brochure and distribution to current membership and new retirees 
  • Oversee the organization’s branding efforts
  • Get monthly retiree list from HR – prepare welcome letters/emails/brochures (updated as year progresses) for HR to mail
  • Add info (from Frog Calls or other sources) for new retirees and forward to List Master
  • Include activity insert/handout in letters to new retirees
  • Identify potential Associate members
  • Encourage participation from all members/associates/spouses/surviving spouses
  • Write condolence notes to families of retirees who have passed away
  • Develop occasional pre-luncheon programs on health, wellness, and other issues of concern to retirees
  • Advocate with HR on health benefits
  • Coordinate “Pathways to a Successful Retirement”
  • Develop monthly newsletter (except August)
  • Set and maintain deadlines for newsletter items and inform EC members
  • Solicit articles from president, committee chairs and contributors
  • Obtain information on luncheons, workshops, SIGS, cultural events
  • Work with outside graphics designer for layout and printing
  • Ensure distribution of newsletter
  • Keep records of membership, Newsletter mailings, and spouses for use by other board members
  • Roster maintenance (including email reminders, newsletter list)
  • Encourage members to register on the online website to appear in the directory and to access message board
  • Get monthly retiree list from Tracy – prepare welcome letters to determine how members want to be contacted (email or snail mail)
  • Attend meetings when Membership group convenes to coordinate with them
  • Conduct occasional membership surveys
  • Attend EC meetings
  • Update EC about HR policies affecting retirees
  • Control payments from TCURA budget

Your Generous Gift Helps.

Your tax deductible gift to the TCU Retirees Association helps underwrite the cost of our monthly luncheons, provides honorariums for our student speakers, covers printing and mailing expenses, and keeps our website current. Please take time to make an annual contribution in support of our good work.

You are welcome to send an annual contributions by mail:

Texas Christian University
Attention Office of Loyalty Giving
TCU Box 297440
Fort Worth, TX 76129

NOTE:  In the memo area of your check, please be sure and write “TCU Retirees Association.”